Back in town

After a short holiday I just came back a couple of hours ago. My little sis and her lover visited me and we did a Tour de force from Kyoto to Kanazawa, then from Kanazwa to Tokyo. I’m quite curious about their opinion and summary of this trip after a few weeks back to germany. We really had some freaky variations in temperature, sometimes in mood as well, but I was really happy seeing her again. My personal opinion concerning holidays in Japan: Don’t do it, if you live here. Go somewhere nice, to a place next to Japan, where you can relax and where it’s cheaper in the end for your precious time off the job. Despite this, Japanese traditions are worth to be seen on location and Cultural Heritages are worth doing excursions here, of course.

One response to “Back in town

  1. oooooh dieser Inder in der Strasse war und ist grandios.
    Meine Blase am Daumen vom Trommeln ist immer noch da und meine Waden und Oberschenkelmuskulatur ist vom Laufen so gut wie nie!!!
    Vielen Dank für 2 unvergessliche, anstrengende, geile, sonnige, nasse, traditionell futuristisch kollossale Wochen!!!

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